IIT Delhi, The organizing institute for Join Entrance Examination or JEE Advanced 2020 has postponed the exam that was to be held on 17-May-2020.
JEE Main 2020 April exam has also been postponed due to COVID-19 outbreak in the country.
JEE Advanced 2020 which was scheduled to held on Sunday 17-May-2020, thus stands postponed & will be rescheduled after JEE Main 2020, a said statement from IIT Delhi.
Through JEE Advanced, the 23 IIT’s all over the country offers admission to the undergraduate courses leading the Bachelor’s, Integrated Master’s or Bachelor’s – Master’s Dual Degree in Engineering, Science or Architecture.
According the schedule released by IIT Delhi, the registration for JEE Advanced 2020 was set to begin on 01-May-2020 and to be concluded on 06-May-2020.
The admit card for JEE Advanced was expected to be released on 12-May-2020.
In 2020, the top 250000 candidates successful in JEE Main exam will be eligible for appearing in JEE Advanced exam. The Total candidates are appearing for the exam may be greater than the given number due to any tied ranks or score in any category.
IIT Delhi, announcement JEE Advanced has joined the long list of competitive examinations which have been postponed due to the COVID-19 spread across the country. Earlier various Exam conducting body have postponed entrance exams like NEET 2020, JEE Main 2020, KEAM 2020, KCET 2020 etc.